Bob & Nanci Jones

Senior Staff

About Bob & Nanci

Bob came to know the Lord in college at UC Davis and followed the call of God to Western Seminary, where he earned MDiv and ThM degrees. His career experiences have included serving as a youth pastor, as well as teaching high school science. Most recently, he taught Biblical Worldview classes at Grand Canyon University. Bob currently serves as an elder and board chairman at their local church. He has served on many short-term mission trips, including Costa Rica and India. His passion is to teach the Word and equip pastors in places where they are unable to receive training.

Nanci grew up in a Jewish home and came to belief in the Lord when she was 16. After completing degrees in Mathematics, she taught high school and university math (including a season at Arizona Christian University), and eventually served as a national and international educational consultant. Nanci has been teaching Bible studies and leading women’s ministries for forty years, and was introduced to GTN in 2018 on a missions trip to Haiti. She is excited to bring her teaching experience to women in the Majority World.

Bob and Nanci both lost their first spouses to cancer after each had been married 44 years, and they have been married since January of 2022. God graciously led them together as they prayed to determine if they could better serve Him together or apart. Discovering that both Bob and Nanci desired to go back on the mission field was only one of the confirmations received from God that they would serve Him together. They have joined a team in Uganda, with Bob teaching pastor courses and Nanci leading women’s conferences. They look forward to being able to continue serving in Uganda and wherever God leads.

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