Steward & Rachael Toliver

Senior Staff


About Steward & Rachael

Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations… teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:18-20). By His grace, we are doing it together!

While Rachael and Steward were both single, God called them each individually to serve Him in full-time ministry. They have spent their entire adult lives pouring themselves out and multiplying the investments God has made in them. Steward served on the youth staff at his church for 7 years while starting and leading Bible studies at various places of employment until he went to serve on staff at Gospel for Asia in 2011. Rachael had been serving on staff there for 6 years when Steward arrived at GFA, and they were married four years later. They now have a delightful son who is full of energy and highly inquisitive. 

Over the years, God moved their hearts in the direction of training and equipping indigenous missionaries and pastors. They are very excited for the Lord to continue to use their lives for His Kingdom and to personally go and train faithful brothers and sisters in God's Word through Global Training Network. 

Steward and Rachael are passionate about helping people to understand and live out God's Word. They believe that the most effective way to see the Great Commission carried out is through the strengthening and mobilization of the local church. Their greatest desire is for their lives to reflect the message of God's love: To see it proclaimed and transforming lives. 

How can the message be proclaimed and the body of Christ be served without the servants being trained? 

They count it a tremendous privilege to serve, train and equip the brothers and sisters who are on the front lines, giving their lives to reach their own people with the hope of Christ. 

Steward and Rachel write, “We would so appreciate your prayers and partnership. We would be honored if you would join your life to ours for the sake of seeing His name glorified as He deserves. We will only know the full scope of our impact when we are standing before the Lord shouting our praise and thanks, and we look over and see the masses that our lives have impacted and we hear their shouts of praise and thanks being offered up before the throne and to the Lamb who is worthy. Amen!”

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