Train-The-Trainers(T3) Zoom Café
Unscripted discussions around questions & challenges facing those of us pursuing a 2 Timothy 2:2 multiplication strategy. The T3 Zoom Café will be a bimonthly conversation with GTN Train-the-Trainers practitioners. We may explore these topics, but you will set the agenda.
Western funding and sustainability
Selection: identifying high-potential trainers
Accountability without high-control
Transferability of training process & materials
Our limited time in-country
Monitoring multiplication
We’ll shoot for 45 minutes, but may go longer or shorter depending on the flow of the conversation.
Here are the dates for 2025 - all at 11:00 a.m. CST:
January 28
March 25
May 6
July 15
September 9
November 25
Mark your calendars! No need to pre-register, but please sign up so that we can send you reminders.