
Doctrinally Sound

We take seriously Paul’s command to Titus as a young pastor: “Teach what accords with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1 ESV). We have a high view of Scripture, and are committed to communicating biblical principles for leadership, preaching and pastoring. We seek to teach the eternal, non‐culturally bound principles of God’s Word. Our staff members strive in their teaching to strip away the American cultural influences and to teach solely biblical principles that are culturally transferable, which will in turn provide a solid foundation for building healthy, God‐honoring, Christ‐exalting local churches.


One of our core values is that we desire to be an organization whose staff members are known for being grace‐oriented in their professional, personal and ministry spheres. Legalism kills; grace gives life. We desire to be known for our unwavering commitment to the grace of God in salvation, as well as a grace orientation in how we interact in our personal relationships (Romans 14).

Kingdom Minded

We highly value partnership with other Christian individuals, churches and missions organizations. Every training event that we put on is planned and carried out in partnership with godly indigenous leaders, who provide direction, guidance and cultural insight to our staff. GTN greatly values their input and wisdom, and we approach these relationships with humility. We are committed to linking arms and working together with other like‐minded evangelical Christian ministries. We believe firmly that God desires for us to “major on majors” and “minor on minors,” keeping the big picture in view.

Spiritually Thriving

We desire to promote growth and spiritual vitality in the lives of the individuals who attend our training events. We believe that as the leader is ministered to and brought to a place of renewed growth and spiritual health, their congregations will naturally be affected and challenged to grow in their faith as well. We believe, as the saying goes, that “we are responsible for the depth of our life; God is responsible for the breadth of our ministry.” We are committed to always striving to keep a balance between head and heart, mind and emotions, the Word and worship.

Indigenous in Practice

By this, we mean that our goal is to equip and train national leaders in the Majority World so that they may reach and train their people for Christ. God has sovereignly placed them in their community for a reason, and we believe that they possess a strategic role of influence to teach and communicate the Gospel to their people. We believe that one of the most effective ways to fulfill the Great Commission worldwide is to equip the national leaders so that they can more effectively reach and disciple their people for Christ.

Committed to Multiplying

Ours is a ministry of multiplication, not addition, thus fulfilling the mandate of 2 Timothy 2:1‐2: “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” We are committed to equipping the “leader of leaders” and the “teacher of teachers” so that true biblical multiplication can happen.