Scott & Lisa Countryman

Senior Staff

About Scott & Lisa

Scott and Lisa have served with Global Training Network since 2011. They came to GTN with over 25 years of mission experience in Europe and the American church.

Scott and Lisa met at the Torchbearer Bible School Bodenseehof in 1982 and were married in 1985. Scott received his M.Div. from the School of World Mission and Evangelism at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In 1988, he and Lisa returned to Germany to join the staff of the Bodenseehof. Scott became the Bible School Principal in 1995. In 2001, Scott and Lisa returned to Minnesota where Scott served as Pastor of Global Outreach at Berean Baptist Church. In their ministry throughout Europe and in more recent years extending to the continents of Africa, Asia, and North and South America, Scott and Lisa’s motivating desire is “to know Christ, and to make him known.”

Scott and Lisa have three married daughters and are proud grandparents. Lisa has an administrative position in a small company and stays busy managing the home. Scott is currently working towards a doctoral degree in Global and Contextual Leadership through Bethel Seminary. Scott and Lisa enjoy spending time with their family, connecting with friends, and serving the global church.

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