Todd & Lori Michero

Senior Staff

About Todd & Lori

Todd and Lori began their ministry adventures shortly after getting married in April 1984. Since that time, Todd has served in lead and associate pastorate roles, correctional chaplaincy, and in faith-based non-profit ministry. In each position, Lori has supported Todd as a partner in ministry: utilizing her creativity as an artist and storyteller, and her relational skills in discipleship and mentoring.

It was while leading numerous short-term mission trips to Romania and Mexico that Todd and Lori began to feel drawn towards deeper involvement in global missions, which culminated in joining the GTN staff in 2024.

One of Todd’s favorite quotes comes from Ulysses S. Grant. In the beginning of his memoirs, Grant writes, “Man proposes but God disposes.” Todd and Lori have seen God’s grace at work in their lives in a variety of ways through a number of circumstances. God’s artistry on their ministry canvas has been distinct and very intentional. He has prepared them to participate in GTN’s mission to train Majority World church planters, pastors and Christian leaders so they can more effectively equip their congregations to evangelize and disciple their communities for Christ.

Their commitment to ministry is best stated by Paul in Acts 20:24, “However, I consider my life nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - that task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

Both Todd and Lori hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from California State University Los Angeles. Todd also earned a Master of Arts in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry, with concentrations in Urban Missiology and Transformational Leadership, from Bakke Graduate University. Todd was commissioned as a Colson Fellow, following his completion of Fellowship Studies in Christian Worldview and Cultural Engagement through the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

Todd and Lori enjoy a variety of activities including traveling, hiking, wildlife viewing, fishing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and playing backgammon and pickleball. Both are avid readers. After over four decades of ministry experience, they know life in Christ is never boring and always meaningful!

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