The Choy Family

Senior Staff

About The Choy Family

The Choy’s have been serving the Persecuted Church since 2001. Their ministry focus has been church planting, church strengthening, and leadership development through training and discipleship of indigenous pastors. By God’s grace, while they lived in a restricted access country, Mr. Choy planted and pastored a church, and established training programs for the national pastors. The Lord grew the church plant to become independent and expanded the training of many individuals to become expositors of God’s Word. Due to hostile political and anti-Christian legislation, the Choy’s moved back stateside in 2019 and are now residing near Phoenix, Arizona. 

The work of training indigenous pastors continues, and the mandate of 2 Timothy 2:2 is the locus of the ministry. Under the rubric of the command of Jesus Christ given in Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2 states the goal of taking the rich deposit of the Word of God and entrusting it to faithful men. This entrusting is done through teaching, the accurate handling of the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15), and the concurrent life walk of these faithful leaders. Hence, the objectives of our training are to train pastors to be expository preachers in their local churches, and to disciple them to live out the truth of Scripture in their lives.

Since relocating back to the U.S., the Choy’s continue the work of the ministry by traveling regularly to countries in Asia. They are excited to serve the Lord with Global Training Network and look forward to the partnership in the Great Commission. The Choy’s are blessed with two adult sons who love the Lord.

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