Mitch & Amber Lee

Senior Staff

About Mitch & Amber

Mitch & Amber Lee have been married since 2000, and are the parents of ten amazing children. They have spent over twenty years in ministry, proclaiming the gospel and equipping and empowering leaders to live out their faith and expand the Kingdom. The Lees have a heart to communicate and demonstrate the Kingdom family of God through their dynamic biological family and through authentic local expressions of the Church. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, they have seen God transform lives, families and communities.

Mitch & Amber passionately desire that people understand their identity in Christ, know the love of the Father and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. In teaching these core truths, they have ministered in three states over the span of their marriage, pastoring existing churches, pioneering community-based, organic expressions of the church, and planting new churches. Mitch has been a credentialed minister since 2007, serving professionally as a senior pastor and in interim pastoral ministry, as well as overseeing church planting and leadership development for a network of 53 churches across Oregon & Washington. Mitch and Amber have ministered with 24-7 Prayer International, Christian Associates, Community Leadership Development Inc., and the Evangelical Church. Mitch is a certified coach through Creative Results Management and is an active member of the Order of the Mustard Seed, an international missional movement.

Mitch & Amber are honored and excited to be serving with GTN, recognizing the Lord’s timing and leading through relational ties and open doors in Burundi, Zambia and the Tamil Nadu region of India. They are committed to equipping leaders by laying gospel foundations and teaching the truth, that those equipped would be able to teach others to live into the hope, healing and freedom that comes with the abundant life in Jesus. 

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