Michael & Sara Moore

Senior Staff

About Michael & Sara

Michael and Sara Moore joined Global Training Network in 2024, after working 5 years in international missions and 25 years in business. Michael and Sara have 7 children (4 adopted from Ethiopia), and two sons-in-law. They reside outside Atlanta, Georgia.

Their ministry focus is training indigenous pastors and leaders to engage with their communities and to address the growing demand for discipleship within the local church. Michael and Sara are passionate about cross-cultural collaboration and partnership for the Gospel. Their ministry is centered in Kenya, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and the US.

Michael and Sara have a heart for GTN’s Global Justice Mission. GJM’s mission statement is: "To equip indigenous leaders throughout the Majority World to address issues of suffering within their cultures by bringing God's mercy and justice to bear upon the most vulnerable”.  Through the experience of adopting and raising their children from Ethiopia, they have seen the beauty and the challenges of orphan care and trauma. The Church has an amazing opportunity to be a light to the world by caring well for the vulnerable. They are excited to empower pastors and church leaders to meet the challenges their communities face.

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